
Location type


Name and dates

Errol (1847-1985)

Station code: National Rail
Opened on the Dundee and Perth Railway.


This was a two platform station which closed in 1985 and remains largely intact. The platforms remain. The main station building, a ground floor with attic and short platform canopy, is on the eastbound platform, marked 1847. A waiting shelter remains on the westbound. The lattice footbridge also remains, with the timber footway removed for safety.

There was a goods yard on the north side, approached from the east.

By reversal in the goods yard a long siding reached Ninetree Brae.

A much longer siding (a short branch) ran from the goods yard north to North Inchmichael.

A single siding of the goods yard remains, in use as a permanent way siding although largely overgrown now.

To the west of the station is a level crossing and a 1877 signal box ('B' listed), still in use. (A building on the north side which appears to be a railway cottage is not, it is the South Lodge for Megginch Castle, off to the west.)

Errol itself is over a mile away to the south.



External links

Canmore site record
NLS Collection OS map of 1892-1914
NLS Collection OS map of 1944-67


Listing: B

Chronology Dates

28/09/1960Dundee and Perth Railway
Errol closed to passengers.

News items

29/11/2022Errol business owner fears staff lay-offs due to level crossing works [The Courier]


A Regional History of the Railways of Great Britain: The North of Scotland v. 15 (Regional railway history series)

An Illustrated History of Tayside's Railways

Railways of Dundee (Oakwood Library of Railway History)