
Location type


Names and dates

Wallsend (1839-1980)
Wallsend (1982-)

Station code: WLL National Rail
Opened on the Newcastle and North Shields Railway.

Chronology Dates

  /  /1873Coulson, Cooke & Company shipyard
Re-locates from St Peters to Wallsend by the Shlesinger, Davis & Company shipyard.

News items

21/07/2023Iconic Shields Ferry celebrates 30 years of service on the Tyne [Tyne and Wear Metro]


A Regional History of the Railways of Great Britain: The North-east v. 4 (A regional history of the railways of Great Britain)

Newcastle (Rail Centres)

Newcastle Railways (View from the Past)

North Eastern Electrics: The History of the Tyneside Electric Passenger Services, 1904-67

The Railways of Northumberland and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1828-1998