New Cross

Location type


Name and dates

New Cross

Station code: NWX National Rail
Where: London and South East, England
Opened on the North Kent Railway.

Chronology Dates

27/04/2010North London Railway
East London Railway to North London Railway link (East London Line)
Old Kent Road Extension and Shoreditch Extension (East London Railway)
The East London Line, 2.17 miles rebuilt at a cost of £1billion from Dalston Junction to New Cross, is opened by London Mayor Boris Johnson. Considered part of the London Overground.

News items

05/01/2018Thameslink begins testing at redeveloped London Bridge [Rail]
19/02/2015Plans for more 24-hour trains are unveiled in London [Railnews]
19/09/2006Virgin fights for rail route deal [BBC News]
29/09/2002Winter Timetable Commences [Railscot]