Batgirl: Abandoned Glasgow railway tunnel being used for new DC film [Glasgow World]

Date: 13/01/2022

An abandoned railway tunnel underneath Glasgow's West End is to be used in the upcoming Batgirl film.

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Batgirl: Abandoned Glasgow train tunnel being used for new DC film

Glasgow World

An abandoned train tunnel underneath Glasgows West End is to be used in the upcoming Batgirl film.

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An excavator and a dump truck were both busy on the trackbed between the old platforms at Botanic Gardens on 18th December 2021. I would like to think they were preparing for the Glasgow Metro or the new link to Central Low Level but I think it more likely it was clearing debris after Storm Barra. All they have left behind is tyre tracks!
Location: Botanic Gardens
Company: Glasgow Central Railway
18/12/2021 Iain Teaz

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Tags: x Botanic Gardens x Kelvinbridge x Botanic Gardens Tunnel x Great Western Road Tunnel x Filming x Batgirl