Mike Harrison: Growing greenways in the heart of our cities [Scottish Construction Now]

Date: 31/08/2021

Mike Harrison of HarrisonStevens outlines the changes happening to repurpose brownfield sites, canal towpaths and overgrown and unloved scrubland as more people are being encouraged to ditch the car and enjoy the benefits of active travel.
The canal towpaths and redundant railway lines that pass through the hearts of our cities are a legacy of our industrial past.

External links

Mike Harrison: Growing greenways in the heart of our cities

Scottish Construction Now

Mike Harrison of HarrisonStevens outlines the changes happening to repurpose brownfield sites, canal towpaths and overgrown and unloved scrubland as more people are being encouraged to ditch the car and enjoy the benefits of active travel. The canal towpaths and redundant railway lines that pass through the hearts of our cities are a legacy of our industrial past. Built at a time when progress ...

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Tags: x Greenways