John Yellowlees: Far North Line has huge potential not just for locals but for tourism too [The Scotsman]

Date: 20/02/2020

CILT promotes excellence in professionalism, driving a transport and logistics sector that is fit for the 21st century. However, sometimes we have to take our hats off to the volunteers who lobby for the retention and development of our transport infrastructure and the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Friends of the Far North Line has allowed us to take stock of the groups achievements, recorded in a recent commemorative booklet.

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John Yellowlees: Far North Line has huge potential not just for locals but for tourism too

The Scotsman

CILT promotes excellence in professionalism, driving a transport and logistics ­sector that is fit for the 21st century. However, sometimes we have to take our hats off to the volunteers who ­lobby for the retention and development of our transport infrastructure – and the 25th anniversary of the ­foundation of the Friends of the Far North Line has allowed us to take stock of the group’s achievements, recorded in a recent commemorative booklet.

The Friends of the Far North Line

CILT Scotland