Stourbridge Junction

Location type


Name and dates

Stourbridge Junction

Station code: SBJ National Rail
Where: English West Midlands, England
Opened on the Oxford, Worcester and Wolverhampton Railway.
Opened on the Stourbridge Branch (Great Western Railway).

News items

15/03/2021Train cab video shows first run on new Stourbridge Shuttle tracks [Network Rail]
02/02/2021Stourbridge shuttle peoplemovers to be modified [Railway Gazette]


Oxford, Worcester & Wolverhampton Railway: Through Time

Oxford, Worcester and Wolverhampton Portrait of a Famous Route Part 1: Oxford to Worcester: Oxford to Worcester Pt.1
Oxford, Worcester and Wolverhampton Railway (The Oakwood library of railway history)Oxford, Worcester and Wolverhampton Railway Through the Black Country (Woodsetton Monographs)
Oxford, Worcester and Wolverhampton: Portrait of a Famous Route: Part 2 Worcester to Wolverhampton: Worcester to Wolverhampton Pt. 2
The Oxford, Worcester and Wolverhampton Railway