Bundoran Junction

Location type


Names and dates

Lowtherstown Road (1854-1861)
Irvinestown (1861-1863)
Irvinestown Road (1863-1866)
Bundoran Junction (1866-1957)

Opened on the Londonderry and Enniskillen Railway.

Opened on the Enniskillen, Bundoran and Sligo Railway.


  /  /1866Enniskillen, Bundoran and Sligo Railway
Opened from Lowtherstown Road (on the Londonderry and Enniskillen Railway - the station later called Bundoran Junction) to Bundoran.
  /  /1894Enniskillen, Bundoran and Sligo Railway Londonderry and Enniskillen Railway
North to west curve opened at Bundoran Junction.


A Regional History of the Railways of Great Britain: Scotland - The Lowlands and the Borders v. 6 (Regional railway history series)

Forgotten Railways: Scotland